Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Three Things About Gods in the Wilderness

Kamy Wicoff, the founder of SheWrites, recommends that authors tell their potential readers three things about their book: 1) What is it about? 2) What was your inspiration? 3) Who is your ideal audience? While this can be a challenge to do at all, let alone succinctly, for a poetry collection, I'd like to tell you these three things about my forthcoming full-length poetry collection, Gods in the Wilderness, if you'll indulge me.

1) What is it about?
As with any poetry collection, Gods is about many things, including nature, faith, violence, love, and identity.

2) What was your inspiration?
The first section of the book is heavily influenced by religious imagery. The second section uses the Norse-named days of the week as an organizing principle.

3) Who is your ideal audience?
People who enjoy free verse and don't mind some blood and guts.

I hope this has piqued your interest, and if you have any in-depth questions to ask, please don't hesitate!


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