A couple of posts back, I discussed the fear of writing. What I didn't tell you then is that much more was going on in my life when I "froze up," as I described it. Below, I go into detail about what happened last summer. Though I tend to focus on writing on this blog, I hope you'll all bear with me for this (painfully personal) entry.
I. I Pay a Visit to the Hospital
I. I Pay a Visit to the Hospital
the course of my twenty*cough*mumble* years, I've made eight separate
trips to three different emergency rooms (twice for myself, six times
for others). On my most recent foray into the strange epicenter of a
hospital, I learned a few things.
1) My first doctor could totally have been David Bell's
younger brother, in looks but not sense of humor; he didn't seem to
appreciate my attempted jokes, but at least he was competent.
2) Not all ERs are made equal. This one was nicer than the others I've seen.
The floor there was exceptionally unattractive, and I say that as
someone who lives in an apartment tiled with bland linoleum over concrete.
The scent of the soap in their bathrooms was reminiscent of backyard fireworks--the
kind you buy in a 24-pack at Meijer's in the summer. This was perhaps
the strangest discovery I made.
According to the male nurse that night, the cartoon character is Kung
Fu Hooey, not Hong Kong Fooey, though I suspect that would have been a
different show altogether.
There was an incredible amount of lag time between when nurses left the
ER dispensary and when the door closed behind them. If my night had taken place in an
Angelina Jolie flick, she'd have had no trouble sneaking in and
gathering medical supplies for her next Super Secret Spy Mission (TM).
wondering where I'm going with these tidbits, right? And also why I was
in the emergency room in the first place? All right, well, here are are
some things you should know about me:
I hold two degrees in creative writing. The fact that I collected this
information (and, in fact, composed a significant chunk of this post
while waiting for a meeting with the doctor that night) is indicative of
how I live: constantly observing and reporting, or else stowing things
away for future reference.
2) By the time I made it to the hospital, I was deep into my second day of a severe, extended anxiety attack.
II. I Tell You Things You Don't Need to Know
don't spend much time discussing my personal life online. That's not my
M.O. However, after feeling alone in my anxiety for many weeks and
reading a post
over at The Blogess in which Jenny Lawson was frank in her description
of the onset of a depressive episode, I decided I wanted to reach out to
my own readers and, just maybe, help them the way Lawson helped me.
So. Here is that post, almost a year after I should have made it.
suppose I should start at the beginning. If you were a faithful reader of my now-defunct first blog, What We Covet, or know me personally, some of this information will be familiar.
1) I work multiple jobs.
2) I live in North Carolina; most of my family lives in Michigan.
3) I recently completed a graduate degree.
4) I'm kind of uptight. (Many people can vouch for me on this one.)
offering too many gory details, let me say that for the past three years, my life has been busy and crazy and other words ending in y.
Anyone would be stressed out by the situations I face, and for months, I
believed myself to be that--stressed, and nothing more.
June 2012 rolled around and I broke down so badly my mother insisted on
taking me to the local emergency room at 2:30 in the morning.
started on a Friday afternoon when I had a mini-crisis around lunchtime
and cried so hard I had to curl up in the fetal position to comfort
myself. After awhile, I felt better and was able to eat dinner with my
parents, then watch a movie.
movie ended. I burst into tears again. I was afraid of myself and my
emotions to the point where I told my mother I thought I was going
crazy. We discussed it, I calmed down, and everyone went to bed.
Saturday, I was still leery but my hysterics didn't reach their Friday
night levels. I was able to do some work and chat with a friend. That
night, I tried to sleep but couldn't. I cried and shook again. That's
when Mom made an executive decision: we were going to the hospital.
III. The Professionals Are Surprisingly Chill
their credit, no one in the ER flinched when they asked what was wrong
and I replied, "I think I might be crazy." In fact, when I voiced that
fear to a therapist, he assured me that no one has ever entered a
psychotic state due to anxiety. However, there are some clear symptoms
of anxiety:
- the fear of going crazy
- a feeling of losing control
- tachycardia
- trembling and twitching
- chills or sweats
- nausea
- difficulty concentrating
those are just the ones I exhibited in the days leading up to or
following my medical treatment. But through the skilled intervention of
medical personnel, I started down the path to treatment. Except for one
social worker, no one recommended institutionalization. Everyone was
sure to explain medications and symptoms. My therapist, in particular,
was good about reminding me that anxiety is in no way a death sentence,
and that it was a perfectly normal reaction to the issues at hand. The
internist I saw as a teenager was kind enough to fit me into her
schedule, and when I saw her, the even-keeled way she spoke to me was so
comforting I almost hugged her. (FYI: I do not hug people under most circumstances.)
people have my everlasting gratitude, because I was anxious enough for
an entire city and they lessened that feeling by approaching me with
unfaltering wisdom and unfailing grace.
IV. Things I Learned During This Ordeal
Jenny Lawson wrote, in the aforementioned post, that depression lies.
She's correct about that, and I think it's equally true of anxiety.
Anxiety will tell you terrible things are about to go down. This is not accurate.
2) My aunt taught me a useful acronym: fear is f(alse) e(vidence) a(ppearing) r(eal).
I have some supremely awesome friends. Of course, I knew this before I
had a terrible summer. But my belief was renewed starting in June. Kate,
Maria, Melissa, and Candice were fabulous throughout this
process. Maureen was supportive in her own way, sending me a superb
drawing of a beaver and wishing me well.
Eddie Izzard said in a documentary about his life, "You've got to
believe." The things I have to believe are that I will be better and I
will be successful. It's difficult to remember those on some days, but I
have to keep doing it.
V. Unintended Side Effects of the Recovery Process
Awhile back, I realized that a few great things have happened to me
as a result of my anxiety. Yes, I had a shitty summer last year and yes, I am
still working through my issues. But then these things went down, too:
I decided to live my life the way I want to live it. Sure, I try to set
a good example, but because I want to. There are certain things I will
always do. But now I'm living for me.
No one is going to push me around anymore, at least not in my personal
life. Allowing others to do so contributed to my anxiety, and I don't
want to go back to that.
I'm closer with my parents now than I was before the Great Anxiety
Attack of 2012. They were ridiculously great, sitting up with me nights, accompanying me to appointments, and letting me know that I'm
going to be okay.
VI. I Thank People
The following medical staff were instrumental in helping me through my anxiety attack:
- Joanne
- Julie
- Teresa
- Rachel
- Mario
- Meredith
- Peter (RIP)
- Dr. H
- Carol
- Charles
- Dr. W
- Dr. F
- Carole
- and three ER doctors whose names I can't remember
I appreciate the efforts of everyone named in this post. They may never know how essential their support was to me.
I've taken a certain risk in posting this information. Now the cat is out of the bag and people will know all about the crazy girl they are acquainted with/work with/try to avoid anyway. After much soul-searching (there's a reason it took me over a year to finish this post), I decided that the risk is worth it. I can only hope that no one will hold it against me, or at the very least that I can help someone out there with my words here. If you or someone you know is dealing with anxiety--or depression, or anything else--don't hesitate to reach out to me, because the best thing I can think to do is help others like a group of people once helped me.
I've taken a certain risk in posting this information. Now the cat is out of the bag and people will know all about the crazy girl they are acquainted with/work with/try to avoid anyway. After much soul-searching (there's a reason it took me over a year to finish this post), I decided that the risk is worth it. I can only hope that no one will hold it against me, or at the very least that I can help someone out there with my words here. If you or someone you know is dealing with anxiety--or depression, or anything else--don't hesitate to reach out to me, because the best thing I can think to do is help others like a group of people once helped me.
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